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Saturday, June 30, 2012

6w0d - Feeling Yucky

Fairly sure I have a sinus infection. My face hurts and I've got a lot of green snot.  Panadol has helped with the pain and I feel a little less digusting but certainly have the fuzzies today.  DS is going through some seperation anxiety thing atm and really giving us grief at nap/bed time.  Last night woke at 3am and took forever to go back down so feeling pretty tired as well.  :-/

Morning sickness is a bit weird and different this time.  I am good when I am eating.  I am ok when I'm hungry.  Every other state between is not so hot.  Mild nausea comes and goes and I have this burning in my stomach which I assume is a bit of reflux.  I've got The After Taste too but it's not as bad as it was in the past yet. 

Been having a fair bit of cramping over the last day or so.  -sigh- and I'll hold there seeing as my darling is awake. Again.


Ok so didn't get back to this post last night.  LOL.

Seems my body is a lot more active overnight. I wake up and there is cramping and last night I got up cause I thought I was going to vomit.  This morning I woke up and everything STUNK!  DS' formula was revolting, DH's fried eggs were horrible, I swear our house smelled like a pub??!!, nappies were horrendous.  It has eased and so has the nausea but been replaced by heart burn.  Did I mention feeling ordinary? Blergh... 

Just over a week until my first U/S.  Beginning to wonder how I am going to survive work feeling snotty and so tired.  I took my six week belly shot and I've got back fat.  BWaaaaahhhh. No gym til this stupid infection clears up.  I'd normally stubborn it out but I have this little one to think about now... 

Anyway, I'm rambling about nothing.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you feel better soon and stay better, you've been sick the whole time so far! You definitely need a break. Lol.


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