So we got busy yesterday afternoon but I knew from the get go he wasn't up to it. I actually I knew at about the point that he decided to go for a bike ride before a run that he wouldn't be up to it.
I was fine yesterday but feeling disappointed today. OPK went positive and given that DH has decided to go into work until the afternoon, I seriously doubt we will be getting it on tonight. :-( That means we will have only had productive action 3 or 4 days before ovulation depending on when this egg pops. We could still be in with a shot tomorrow but I just don't see it happening.
There are quite a few FF charts listing pregnancy from O-3 but the majority only come up that way because FF uses its own little forumla and if you look at them properly, it's more like O-1 or O-2. So I guess I can pretty well expect AF in about a week and a half.
Strange as it is I was actually feeling remotely positive about the odds of being able to do this ourselves. Holidays are the best time because we can have sex during the day and it doesn't depend quite so much and how DH has gone at work. Oh well...
Overall, I'm in a better headspace. I feel a bit useless and defeated at the moment but it is nowhere near that devastation I used to experience and I'm not going to be haunting DH like a bad smell trying to coax him into bed. LOL! The way I look at it, I've got another month to work on getting stronger for my fitness comp. I've got things to focus on at the moment. TTC is not everything.
DH asked about menevit yesterday. I bought him some today. Can't believe how freaking expensive it is. They asked me if I wanted a big or a small bottle. Had I realised how much it was I would have said the small one!
Anyway, I guess that will be the last from me for a little bit. On the bright side, if I maintain this regularity with fertility then we only have to contend with DH's work as I'll be rostered off each time. Also means I'll AF on days off!
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