Pregnancy Ticker

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

12DPO - What The?!

Yesterday I had mad crazy AF cramps that went all the way through to my lower back. I took Advil to make them go away. I was running to the toilet every ten seconds because I thought it was going to be there and was expecting spotting at a minimum last night. I had serious PMT. I was sure I would wake up to the deluge this morning. 

This morning my temp goes a little bit up. I get some cramps but for the most part they are gone. I have no trace of spotting. Ummm....  So I took a IC test and it was negative. Of course this curve ball would happen. I didn't think of option three where I'd have DS's shots this afternoon with neither AF or a BFP.

I'm going to take an FR test this afternoon.  Not that I expect it to be positive.  But clutching at straws here.  I don't really feel PG but I can't explain this.  I can't explain that amount of cramping yesterday followed up by nothing.  Unless I did ovulate at CD18 afterall and my body is just screwing with me and adding another presentation to my list of ways it can be not pregnant.

I can't really concentrate right now.  I hate being in limbo land and having this nagging hope... Ughhh!  This cycle feels like it has been going on FOREVER!  Ridiculous huh..

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