Pregnancy Ticker

Monday, April 16, 2012

10DPO - Start of the End case there was any doubt about what I already knew... Here is the BBT evidence that my body has snapped back into its pre-Clomid rubbish.  There have been two improvements. One is my cervix position when fertile and my EWCM. I still ovulate later. Judging by my LP length and temps, my progesterone is back to being borderline. I am still getting the same pre-AF cramps and dizziness. Tomorrow I can expect some spotting. Then I will bleed. PMS is rife. I'm sad and angry and everything to extremes. No more BFing fuzzies. :-( 

Of course I'm feeling all angry at my body and angry at having to wait at least six months before I can get this sorted. I didn't conceive off this before.  I'm not going to now... Any confidence I had about this working is gone. I knew that was the risk of doing the BBT thing. Oh well. At least I know. One month down. Five more to go...

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