Pregnancy Ticker

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

5DPO - Spotting

I've been having cramps.  Definite real cramps. AF impending type cramps. Ovarian cyst types cramps. Maybe bowel issue type cramps. And then I went to the loo this afternoon and there was a glob of this EWCM stuff loaded with brown blood.  But that was it. No more.  -sigh-

I've had cramping for the best part of my LP. I've had spotting from 8 or 9 DPO when I screwing around with Vitex.  But, I've never had any kind of spotting at 5DPO. 

TTC #1 version of me would have been really excited that it might have been evidence of an implantation bleed. The TTC #2 version of me is not quite that optimistic.

I figure there are a few potential reasons for this:

1. The B6 I've been taking is screwing things up. (I am sure I tried B6 before but didn't try it again for a reason... think it was just cause it made no difference but will have to back track my other blog).

2. My progesterone is going to poo again. In which case I expect the spotting to continue and AF to come early which will probably trigger parameters for going to my OBGYN.

3. My body is still in post weaning disarray. Give that I spotted all the way up to CD14, perhaps I should be expecting this??

4. It is actually implantation??

LOL I love this game.  Get the feeling I'm going to add random spotting to my list of things that my body can do that is not indicative of a pregnancy. Ok, off to work tomorrow. See where we stand come Monday I guess.

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