Pregnancy Ticker

Saturday, April 14, 2012

8DPO - Ambiguity

As the title suggests, I'm 8DPO today. FF is saying 7DPO because it readjusted my chart when I put in some data over the last few days.  I can understand the rationale.

I decided to revive the thermometer and only temp if it was after a good sleep.  It is still sitting up quite well and higher than it was every before having DS.  Looking at previous charts though, 9DPO is where things can start to go hairy so that's tomorrow or Monday.  I haven't had any more cramping or anything that I would describe as definite reproductively.  I was having a lot of creamy CM until today.  Can't quite remember if that has been normal during these lasts few months.  I do remember that my CM still dried up the same when I was pg with DS though...  I'm a tad constipated but that could be the iron tablets crossed with coming off pre-workout supps for my work week.  The supps tend to give me the squits a bit.  My nipples are vaguely sensitive and my right boob vaguely tender to a good squeeze by the end of the day.  All pretty normal for me leading up to AF.  Usually disappears a day or two before it starts. Last time I was PG at 9DPO I had the first bit of serious cramping which I thought was AF getting ready to come.  I had it again in the morning on 10DPO and then had my positive on 11DPO with more cramping in the evening and from then on essentially...which turned into braxton hicks.

I'm leaning towards more not pregnant. Would have been nice if it was that easy.  Hopefully get a good block of sleep and temp tomorrow. Should see that familiar drop and then I'll know for sure. :-)  Funny how I hated it when TTC #1 but now it just puts me out of thinking about it all too hard for the next few days.  Can plan for the next cycle. 

My old self is a little bit there.  While I was doing the Google things I stumbled across the blog of a superfertile. You know... the type that have three million symptoms from 3DPO and just know they are pregnant and of course are right and do it first time round.  It just left me feeling annoyed. :-/ I am so determined it seems not to succeed.  A guy at work was saying how it took them 10 or 11 months the first time around so they started trying early for the second and it was only three months.  All I can hear is my internal dialogue saying "that won't happen to me".  I guess it is in part protective so that if I am right then I won't have expected anything different...

Blah. Gotta go to sleep. Bed to myself tonight so should sleep well. Up early for work.  No doubt I'll be blogging away on Monday.

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