Pregnancy Ticker

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The First Post

So, this is my hidden blog.  Next month we start TTC #2 but I'm not telling anybody...not even my bloggy buds.  I'm not even sure I will keep this updated but I do need a space where I can deblag my head from time to time.

TTC #2 comes with mixed emotions.  I'm a little bit afraid of going through that whole process again. I'm not fully sure I am ready to be entering the realms of a second baby but I guess I realise that by the time that I am, I'll have wished I started trying sooner.

I am not telling anyone because I don't want the pressure.  I don't want to be all about TTC.  I don't want to be tracked or avoided.  I don't want sympathy and condolences. I don't want any expectations. I don't want any judgements.  I just want to get on with things. If anyone should find this, then so be it. But I am not making an announcement of it.

My planned approached has changed a few times and I think I've hit a point where I am comfortable and I believe I can get the job done with minimal fuss.

I'm still ovulating late.  This last cycle was CD17 but I had a fantastic lot of good quality EWCM.  My cervix is much higher, softer and favourably position after having Sprout #1. What I need to see if how my LP goes.  I don't want it to go any shorter than 12 days.  If we can get 12 days then I am pretty confident that we can get pregnant on our own within six cycles.

Six cycles is what I'll give it before I head back to the OBGYN.  A cycle doesn't count if we don't manage to have sex at a good time.  If I do have a 12 day LP and we hit six cycles I may give it longer as I can't see any reason why it shouldn't happen.  If it is less than that, I'll go see him.  I've also decided that if my LP should go shorter than 10 days at any point, I will go immediately.  There is no point trying if there is no chance.

Based on an ovulation day of CD17, I'll aim to get us in to bed on CD15 and CD17.  That way if things don't pan out on CD15, we will have had sex either CD16 or 17 and maybe again on CD18 which should still put us in striking range.

I'll be using OPKs to identify my LH surge and I'll temp from CD13 or 14 until I've confirmed ovulation.  I won't be recording symptoms. I won't be charting my temps.  I know my OBGYN knows that I know my body and will take whatever I say as it is so there is no need make this a recorded obsessive thing.

I'm trying to remember to take Elevit everyday.  I did sporadically through January and February.  I won't be adding anything else.

I also won't be changing my eating, sleeping or exercising habits.  When we do fall pregnant I will stop taking my pre-workout supplements.  Until that point, nothing changes unless I am advised to do so by my OBGYN.  It didn't make a difference last time so no point in putting life on hold again this time around.

I am considering getting bloods done when I take Sprout #1 in to the doctor next week. Just to make sure my ducks are lined up.  I'll make that call closer to the time.

So, gotta wrap it up here. Sprout #1 has just woken up!

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