Pregnancy Ticker

Monday, May 14, 2012

That's Alright. Karma Will Kick Your Ass.

That's what I would say to my body if it were a person.  If my body were a person I would also like to imagine roundhouse kicking it in the head.  See I could only imagine it too because I am not really a violent person and I avoid confrontation. But that's not the only reason. I also haven't been able to roundhouse kick at head height since I had DS.  But that is a minor detail.  I really nasty thigh kick would do the job too.

Right, getting off track a bit.  So if you click on my FF ticker thingy it will take you off to my chart. On my chart you will see that my body decided to jump ship at 9DPO and I've been spotting and cramping ever since.  I was so sure I was going to have such an awesome cycle and that ovulating at the right time was going to be the magic solution.  >>***BAM***<<  Reality check.  Apparently, my body still sucks. 

AF hasn't broken yet.  I'm expecting it any minute.  And of course the fact that it is making me feel vaguely nauseated is really motivating when I have the house to myself and I should actually be cleaning it.  (Someone play a really small violin for me here?)  -sigh- - insert wiping of brow-

So...think I am going to give it another cycle and see what happens.  Suspect I really just need to decide whether I go back to Dr. A. fairly soon and get Clomid going or whether I put TTC on hold until after my fitness comp. 

And you know what, even though I am a tad disappointed in the general sense and quite miffed at my body, I'm ok with this situation because I was prepared for it as a potential possibility.  :-) 


  1. Thats good the you prepared yourself - that's def something we have to do while TTCing, not get our hopes up because you never know when that Spermie is gonng get into that Egg! Haha - best of luck tho! I really hope your body gets it shiz together soon!!

    1. Cheers! Well second time round, it is not as if I am going in thinking that it is all gonna go smoothly. Mind you, I don't think we really ever go in thinking there will be a problem unless there is a known thing like PCOS etc. Ah well. Will get there one way or another!

  2. Definitely disappointing, but it seems like this cycle is still a big improvement on past cycles? Maybe it's a stepping stone to a better cycle next month.

    If I was you, I think I would be wanting to make the same decision. Either go for it and get the drugs to make it happen or if you want to focus on fitness for now, wait, NTNP and see what happens but commit to doing what you need to do after your competition. I like plans, not big on spontaneity.

    I guess clomid has some side effects so there may be a reason to try and do it naturally, but as someone who is super impatient I think I would be better off mentally knowing that I was doing everything I could do to make it happen. But that's really only if you for sure are ready lol.

    Has anyone besides me noticed how close together all of our little blog circles' cycles just started? We are pretty much all starting a new cycle within a week of eachother. So bizarre!

    1. Yeah I dunno. I ovulated earlier, which is good, but it didn't really do any favours for my LP and the spotting beforehand is not really that good. I honestly wouldn't care when I ovulated if my luteal phase was normal length and strong because that's when implantation etc. happens.

      Now that you mention it.... What would be even more bizarre is if we all got UTD at the same time! We'd be due together virtually!!


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