Pregnancy Ticker

Friday, June 1, 2012

CD18 - Ovulating At Last

The frustrating thing about temping is that it really is a retrospective tool.  I really do wish I had a predictable cycle. It would make the whole bedroom timing thing so much easier.  Temp ducked back down this morning but OPK is very negative today with my body doing the full on fertility thing.  Today is the day and I'm kind of over it. LOL.  I've told DH that we need to BD today and that I am absolutely 100% sure I'm ovulating.  I'd like to get the timing perfect seeing I know for sure but we will see how it plays out.  I'm sore and tired from my PT session this morning and DH has a sore back.  I think the enthusiasm factor is a little lacking today...  I think I'm also a bit emotionally worn out.  I've been "fertile" for practically a full week now. Sometimes watching myself ovulate is like being on the brink of orgasm but struggling to get over the line.  I'm sure left unattended it would eventually get to a cycle where it just goes "Bugger it. I give up".'s to last ditch hope for a natural cycle. :-)


  1. Baby dust to you! If I ovulate today as well, we will be in the TWW together!

  2. Get it girl!!! :) Fingers Crossed & Lots of Baby Dust!


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