Pregnancy Ticker

Thursday, May 31, 2012

CD 17 - Make Sense Would You!?


Attack from left field!


Uggh!  Really? 

So yesterday my OPK was still negative but there was an obvious second line so I figured today it would be positive and then I would ovulate maybe Saturday.  This morning I wake up and my temp is 36.85.  -blink-  That is a post-ovulation temp for me.  70s is the ambiguous zone but 80s is ovulation.  I had a full extra layer on last night because it was cold but I didn't feel all disgustingly hot when I woke up and it never has really made a difference before.  -insert confused face here-

I took an OPK before I went off to the gym this morning and it was as close to positive it gets. Now it looks positive but when I first did it, it was probably just a little negative.  My body feels peak fertility right now but it seems to do that after I've ovulated rather than just before. FF will probably put me as having ovulated today based on the information I'll give it.  I'm wondering if I am seeing the tail end of the LH surge and I ovulated closely afterwards? 

We are covered. We got busy last night and I spent about 1.5 hours on the floor propped up on various heights of cushion so ensure that his swimmers had EVERY opportunity to get to where they needed to be.  I have to admit this morning I was a bit reserved with my cardio too.  Won't be possible tonight but we will try again Saturday to cover our bases. 

I'm not sure I can expect much out of this cycle but I was really hoping for a nice clear count down to Clomid.  Ah well. I guess I can expect AF by Wednesday week after next!

Freeeeeezing cold. Hot shower time!


  1. 1.5 hours! You sure are helping the swimmers lol. I am pretty sure I will be ovulating on my right side this month if it does switch every month, so last night after we BD I tried to prop my legs up and tilt to the left lol. The things we do. My OPKs usually have a faint line always on them, but this cycle so far the line has been so faint that I can barely see it. I get confused when when my temp rises out of nowhere too, and I always think it has something to do with the temp in my house.

    1. Haha yeah... Apparently at the rate that they swim in takes about 30 minutes to make it up to the ovaries so I gave it half an hour for each level of cushion. Bwahaha! I do love propping off to one side to give them a gravity push. I think we are both probably crazy!

      Not really sure what the random rise was about. Positive at this point that I ovulated today based on all the aching and cramping and pain etc. -shrugs- Suppose it doesn't change anything.

  2. Sounds like you have your bases covered just in case - I got 2 positive OPK's this month, 7 days a part so I'm not sure I even like them to be honest with you. It was my first month using it and I am not a fan. I think I am going to buy the clear blue fertility monitor - everyone seems to really like them. Sorry I am not help today - but best of luck!!

    1. Yeah, I know a few folks who seem to think they are pretty good. I'm happy with OPKs. I get them in bulk off ebay for chips and they work a treat for me. :-) I think Sam (below) uses so she may be a good one to query.

    2. Megan, I commented on your post about a possible 2 positive opk scenario. I do have the CBE fertilityb monitor but wine my cycles are 40+ days I'm not using it and actually have it posted for sale in my area. If you're interested in more info let me know! I was just asking $40 shipped for it!

  3. Here from egg meets sperm'a blog. I'm 6months in on TTC #2 and took my first clomid tonight. Fingers crossed The 1.5hrs pays off!

    1. -waves- Nothing like a little while pill in the morning! I shall be stalking!


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