Pregnancy Ticker

Friday, May 11, 2012

7DPO - The Declaration of Unpregnance

Hahaha! Ok so when we were TTC #1 I remember there was a day sometime during my luteal phase (can't remember whether it was 6 or 8DPO) where I'd wake up and knew categorically that I wasn't pregnant.  I suspect it has a bit to do with progesterone winding down after hitting its peak.  Anyway, today was that day for me.  I woke up and recognised a change in mood and felt that "I'm totally not pregnant" feeling.  This is usually accompanied by a sudden feeling of impatience.  Certainly not as extreme as it used to be but recognisable for sure.  I'm inclined to pack up my thermometer and leave things be for the rest of the cycle.  I'm not feeling all PMT rage like just yet so I think AF is a little way off yet.

Actually been thinking about things...again... and I think I'm gong to give it until the end of the year.  If we haven't succeed in December, I'll go see my OBGYN in January.  It will have been nine months by then.  It is more than the six months he told me and I think it is a reasonable time frame.  It will also give me time to do my fitness comp etc. :-) 

The aspirin is having a cumulative effect and I'm starting to bruise.  A lot. LOL!  Going to stick with it for another month so I know whether it is the thing that impacted ovulation this cycle.  I suspect I may have a cyst though... I've been having this ovulation-ish, achey, stabby type pain on my right hand side for the last two days. Hopefully, nothing of consequence...

So, tapping out of this one and stalking my bloggy girls instead. :-D


  1. Someone wise once told me that time is the great revealer! Why tap out so early? If I was a betting lady, I would bet that I'm not pregnant too, because I just don't feel different in any way... but like you said, it's not uncommon to not have symptoms until well after AF is due. I'm going to remain hopeful that you're wrong :)

    What is the aspirin supposed to do? I read somewhere that NSAIDs aren't good for TTC... although I've read a lot of stuff that probably isn't necessarily true.

    1. Mwahaha! Totally got owned by that piece of advice didn't I?? :-P I appreciate the optimisim. -thumbs up- I guess after the rigmarole of TTC our first, I've gotten pretty used to being right about the BFN result. In a sense the early bail is just self protection iykim. See what happens I guess!

      As for the aspirin, in high doses it can inhibit ovulation if taken consistently. During pregnancy it increases the risk of various types of haemorrhages. On a low dose it increases circulation to ovaries, fleshes out the uterine lining and makes the blood thin to assist with implantation. They use it a lot with patients on any kinda of assisted reproduction program, particularly IVF. For that reason I figure the low dose is safe to play with.


Talk to me! :-D